VAEGABOND - COVID-19: screwing during the forced break
The corona virus keeps everyone in their suspense. We would've never thought, that the virus would spread so quickly and cause so much damage. We first heard about it in January 2020 in Morocco. Now, almost 3 months later, the situation got drastically worse all over the world. Usually we would want to keep our stay in Germany quite short. Because the borders were closed and the ban on going out got issued though, we are still home and waiting for the situation to get better again. Luckily we were mostly spared by the virus. We have ants in our pants already and we want to get back in our saddle and cycle on.
Quarantine also has a good side: we used the time to sort, process and publish our countless videos and photos. Hard to believe, how much time it actually takes to package 15 minutes of travel impressions clearly... But for us the work is much fun and the most important thing is, that you get something from it. ;)
We also have even more time to get our bikes back in shape and to maintenance them. For example, after one year respectively after 5.000km the oil of the Rohloff should be replaced. Although we aren't already a year on the way with our bikes, we've surely already reached the 5.000 kilometers. With the help of the Rohloff flushing oil set and the new all-season oil, the procedure is easy and quickly done. We also replace our chains and take care of i.e. Dani's damaged bike frame. Soon, there will be a video about all the screwing on our bikes.
By the way: We now publish a new part of our video series around the world by bike every sunday on Besides that, there's more exclusive video and picture material on There, our videos and articles can be seen long before the public release and there a more thrilling surprises awaiting you!
With that said, we hope, that you're fine and that world gets better as soon as possible! Hopefully we could bring a little distraction into your everyday life and you can enjoy our impressions!
Stay safe, think positively and stay healthy!
Melli & Danni
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