
As a current or potential customer, you are our main focus. As such we understand the need to speak directly with a member of our staff from time to time.

Many of the questions asked are repeated however. For this reason, answers to the most commonly asked questions have been added to our comprehensive FAQ section. Please check to see if your question has already been answered there, thus freeing up our staff to reply to other questions.

If your question is not in the FAQ section, then feel free to write, call or fax us and we will get back to you ASAP. Don’t forget to quote your current location and telephone number so that we can tailor our reply to your specific situation.

If currently located outside Germany, then please contact your local Rohloff distributor for support prior to contacting the Rohloff HQ directly. "Please quote your current location so we can tailor our reply to suit all currently available options in that region."

Many thanks in advance. We look forward to speaking with you.



Rohloff AG
Moenchswiese 11
34233 Fuldatal

Telephone hours (CET/MEZ|CEST/MESZ)

Monday till Thursday: 10-12 am and 14-16 pm
Friday: 10-12 am


Phone / FAX

Phone +49 561 51080-0
FAX +49 561 51080-15

General Inquiries

Request service

Send us an email to or contact the importer of your country.

Accounting / Administration

Please note that we cannot accept emails over 10MB. Orders should be submitted in PDF or text formats. We are unable to accept Word and Excel files.

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