Hesse's State Governor visits the Rohloff AG
Broadcast:: Hessenschau / RTL Reginal
Date of broadcastin: 24.11.2010
Channel: Hessischer Rundfunk / RTL
Language: Deutsch
The Governor from Hesse - Volker Bouffier (CDU) was on tour in north Hesse on wednesday and found time to pay a visit to the Rohloff AG in Fuldatal. Mr Bouffier spoke of the recovering economy within the state and praised Rohloff for their contribution.
Barbara (Social Worker and Managing Director), and Bernhard Rohloff, Engineer, founded the enterprise in 1986. Numerous wins were achieved with their SLT99 bicycle chains between 1990 to 1993. Then came Bernhard Rohloff's latest development - a new age in bicycle hub transmission systems. This hub was and is (in Bouffier's own words) "the Ferrari amongst bicycle gear-hubs". Approximately 12 years later, the Rohloff AG (consisting of 45 employees) turns over more than ten Million Euro's annually of which 60% is through export worldwide. Thanks to international patents, this figure is sure to remain constant, guaranteeing their position among the competition.
Rohloff - „Made in Germany“. This phrase is used for the technology and is a truth that the family enterprise is incredibly proud of.
Bericht im Hr-Online Archive ( 15.20 min)
Hesse Family Enterprises With Tradition
Broadcast: Hessische Familienbetriebe mit Tradition
Date of broadcastin: April 6th, 2010
Channel: Hessischer Rundfunk
Language: German
A stressed picture of a family, which builds up something together, which has a vision - yes, something like that still exists. A circumstance which is indepted on the one hand to a high-quality handmade kind of work, but on the other hand mostly to a family guidance of the enterprise.
Bosses and female bosses who work on it and who are there where they are needed. These are absolutely success stories. Sailplane fanatics from the Rhön are manufacturing the best gliders of the world, cycling enthusiats develop a superlative gear hub, a grocer reconciles capital with humanity, and in doing so he becomes the most successful entrepreneur of Hesse, international bag design chic enjoys men and women, Frankfurt's most famous coffee crackles due to skillful rosting - just like the unique beaf sausage from the Hanauer Landstrasse, and then there are unique windows and sculptures made of glass from Hesse sold to the world. Family enterprises in Hesse are top. They work and operate economically very sucessful together - both with heart and wits.
A Portrait Of The Rohloff AG
Channel: Deutsche Welle TV
Date of broadcasting: 24.07.2009
Language: German / English
Newst trends at the BIKE VELONALE: A bicycle with a special drive which is made in Germany and is assembled mostly by hand. It looks like a regular bicycle, but it's not. Changing gears whilst standing: a unique gear hub makes it possible. Even if the price for the bike rises quickly to several thousands Euro, the customer is not afraid to buy it. Manufactured in Fuldatal, Hesse, the hubs make the 100,000km easily and sustain longer than the bicycle itself. To saveguard the product from competitors the manufacturer has patent-protected his product international. The costs of the patents amount up to 15,000Euro per year.

Innovative Bicycle Drive
Broadcast: Guten Abend RTL Hessen
Date of Broadcasting: 22.07.2009
Channel: RTL
Language: German
The Rohloff company from Fuldatal/Germany wants to make changing gears easy for passionate cyclists. Therefore, the Hesse company has developed a special bicycle drive and they are far ahead with it world-wide. Rebecca Rühl and Michael Jonke have had a good look at it.

Herkules - The Awesome Magazine
TV-Show: Herkules
Date of broadcasting: 04.05.2008
Channel: Hessischer Rundfunk
Language: German
"herkules – the awesome TV- magazine from Kassel". A weekly TV magazine, which deals with topics from the North of Hesse for 30 minutes. Week after week moderator Thorsten Peters is on his way between Rhoen and Upland, Weser and Vogelsberg. There are a lot of things to explore – this time at the Rohloff company. Next to the main focus of the magazine there is a short summary of the main topics from the days before, also suggestions for free-time activites and some interesting stories apart from the daily reports.

The Future Drive!
TV-Show: Galileo
Date of broadcasting: August 8th, 2005
Broadcasting station: Pro 7
Language: German
In the summer time the bicycle world is upside down - like every year, because the Tour de France, the hardest bicycle race of the world is on schedule. In the year 2005 the Tour even made a short discourse to Germany. Jan Ullrich & Co are on their way on high-tech machines, bikes which weigh less than 7kg and which nowadays are made out of high-tech materials like carbon fibre and titanium. But one thing hasn't changed much for many years: the bicycle drive and gear system. Racing-bikes like Mountain- and City-bikes are driven by so-called derailleur gear systems. This kind of gear system is now about 70 years old and is, concerning operation, wear and susceptibility to repairs, anything else than a technology of the future.
Galileo visited the small but very efficient company, which has developed a revolutionary gear system: A gear hub with 14 gears, a within enclosed system, which ought to be the bicycle drive of the 21st century.

Bicycle Drive Technology Rohloff AG
FuldatalTV-Show: Hessenschau
Date of broadcasting: November 26th, 2004
Station: HR3 Hessischer Rundfunk
Language: German
The family enterprise Rohloff produces a brillant product: unbreakable bicycle gear drives, which are unique world-wide. The management is organised by Mrs Rohloff, who is head of the trading department and Mr Rohloff, who leads the technical area. Efforts of expansion are given and promising, although the company is subject to common medium-sized firm's problems.

The 14 -gear hub drive from Kassel/Germany
TV-Show: Sonde
Date of broadcasting: July 21th, 2000
Station: Süddeutscher Rundfunk
Language: German
Shows insights in Kassel's chain and gearhub smithy. Bernhard Rohloff explains the SPEEDHUB 500/14 gearhub and its development.

The 14-Speed Gearhub Drive from Kassel/Germany
TV-Show: Deutschland 2000
Date of broadcasting: 2000
Station: RTL
Language: German
Shows a little insight in Kassel's chain and gearhub smithy. Bernhard Rohloff explains the SPEEDHUB 500/14 gearhub and its development. Jürgen Kallenbach shows the cross-country advantages of the gearhub.

The Rohloff Gearhub
TV-Show: Quarks and Co
Date of broadcasting: April 14th, 1998
Station: West Deutscher Rundfunk (WDR)
Language: German
Within the broadcasting theme "Adventure Bicycle" the rohloff SPEEDHUB 500/14 is introduced to the public. Quotation: "It rather reminds on a car-transmission than on a bicycle gear system: The inner life of the new 14-speed gearhub of the small enterprise Rohloff, Kassel."

World Famous Chains from the Backyard
TV-Show: Trends
Date of broadcasting: ---
Station: HR Hessischer Rundfunk
Language: German
The TV-Show Trends reports about the Rohloff company and its production line in the heart of Kassel/Germany.

Men on Bikes
Broadcasting: Doku-fiction
Date of Broadcasting: February 2nd, 1993
Station: ZDF
Language: Geman
One day Felix lost his drivers licence. He finally decides to do something healthy for his body: He buys a bike. A simple model will do for the way to his working place. But an uncountable number of cars and the anger of some unreasonable car drivers kill his fun for riding his bicycle in the big city. With preference he then decides to take his routes through nature. His distances become longer and longer. In the beginning his girl-friend Eva likes to accompany him cycling, but one day she stops doing it. Felix has developed to a cycling maniac. For his girl-friend Felix is looking for a gift in a bike shop. The shop assistent advices him to buy a golden-plated Rohloff SLT 99 chain as a present.
More information to the movie