Quit and Go - The first days of the bike world tour
Afte more than a year of preperation, we're now finally on our way. Because of the pandemic we changed our departure date from summer 2020 to spring 2021. Now we didn't want to wait anymore.
We started on the 13.04.2021 at 11:30 am from Lotte near Osnabrück. This was now 10 days ago and we could already gather so many impressions and experiences even in this short time frame. So what will we say after a year? Because that's atleast how long we want to be on the way for.
A short summary of the events looks like this:
We started into the unkown with quite the overpacked bikes. Dependant on our equipment, especially the tent, the sleeping bag and the sleeping mat, because there were still negative temperatures at night- and the heartfeltness and the hospitality of the people, because the accommodations and camping places are closed.
Up until now the plan is working, because we're currently in a holiday apartment, that we can use for free. But let's start at the beginning. The first day we could sleep in a museum, the motto of the day was, „who asks, get rewarded.“ Since we originally wanted to build up our tent in the yard. That was when a very friendly employee unlocked the showroom for us. So the first warm night was saved.
We spent the second night in a similarly uncommon place- in glasshouse together with a whole lot of ivy plants.
The the weather got warmer and we got to build up our tent and use our equipment in nature.
There were already a lot of realizations as well.
- We have to get rid of ballast. We sorted out 10kg of luggage and made ourselves and our bikes lighter. It was so much easier to cycle.
- We need an actual packing system in our bags and everyone should be parallelly responsible for important things. Otherwise we waste way to much time with building up and dismantleling. Fabian is the cook and Franzi is responsible for the tent.
- Without a scarf and without a cap or a headband you'll get a neck and ear ache, because of the coast wind and the current temperatures.
- Suncreme urgently has to be put on the hands. The „cyling hands“ need much care and creme in general.
- After rain also comes sunshine, most certainly.
After we had spend cold wild camping night for four days in a row, we offered a holiday apartment from
a warmshower host at the north dike. That was exactly what we needed now. A hot shower and a warm night. - People are good.
Already after a short time of traveling we sense a happiness, a feeling of living and the mind only thinks about itself, the nature, the environement, the bike and the next 50km. Amazing.
Got curious?
Facebook channel: https://www.facebook.com/quitandgo/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quit.and.go/?hl=de
Polarsteps travel route: https://www.polarsteps.com/QuitandGo
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuMk2oebn7YtqMpfIyMEHFA