Rohloff AG supports UNICEF - Emergency aid for children in the Ukraine
Wars, catastrophes, illnesses and hunger – UNICEF is everywhere, where children need help or are being disadvantaged. As the children's charity of the united nations, UNICEF makes sure girls and boys are being medically taken care of, are provided clean water and can go to school in over 190 countries.
The children's situation in the Ukraine is terrible. The life and well being of 7,5 million children is endangered. Millions of children are fleeing. Children and families desperately need protection and humanitarian aid, especially now in winter.
With the engagement for the "Kinder Nothilfe Ukraine" (children's emergency aid Ukraine) the company lead and the family Rohloff decided to donate in spring 2022. We want to make a contribution and send a sign of solidarity.
Further more information like questions and answers about the UNICEF-help or how you can donate is to be found here: