2nd Stage TransAlp: There are days Where There Is A Jinx On It.
In a time of 4:39:59 hours, Michael Opper and Martin Mootz ended the second stage on place 55 in the ranking. Well, in the morning everything was looking good for a start, but:
Martin and Michael were heading to Ischgl with an uphill of 1,300m alitude in one go.
When they arrived there, they were still behind the leading women's team on place 30 of the ranking. But after a not so hard downhill they had to make another 500m altitude up to the Pillerhöhe. With this ascent Martin had some minor problems, so they had to take it a bit slower untill the end of the stage, and therefore, they had to suffer a loss of time in the face of their competitors.
Martin was a bit disappointed of his output today, but Michael made a prophecy that at a stage race a bad day always follows a good one.