News from Benedikt Purner

As member of the "Vertriders": First ride of the Mountain Hochfeiler (3510m height)

The Innsbrucker Tageszeitung wrote: Usually the Alpinists talk of First Ascent. The Vertriders, a group of fearless mountain bikers, prefer to say First Ride. As happened on the Hochfeiler, a 3150m high Mountain in the Zillertaler Alps. Four and a half hours the two men from Innsbruck, Georg Grogger and Benedickt Purner, struggled with the ascent, 25 kg material were to carry. Then the downhill ride: "except for a few passages, all was managable", Benedikt exclaimed gladly after the downhill ride.


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Benedikt Purner Member "Vertriders" (Rohloff Sponsoring)