Attempt On A Record from Zero To 6,000 Meters Altitude

The mountain Ojes del Salado with a height of 6,893 meters is both the highest volcano on earth, and also the second highest mountain in America. It is this peak which will be the aim of a mountain bike altitude record attempt. In spring of 2010, Frank Hülsemann, Markus de Marées and André Hauschke will start off at sea level on the pacific coast before traveling up the mountain to the summit of the Ojes del Salado. The trail leads over a course of 350km up to an altitude of over 6000 meters. The trail will also take the intrepid expeditors through one of the most perilous regions of the globe:- The Atacama desert.


The team consists of three people who are supported by both Rohloff as well as the bicycle manufacturer Poison. All bikes will be equipped with a Rohloff SPEEDHUB 500/14 in order to cope with the demands of such a record attempt. A team of six people (coaches and helpers) will be present to help the participants should any medical and technical issues arise. the recorded data and consolidated findings will be evaluated later at the Sport University Cologne.


The Rohloff AG would like top wish all the athletes the best of luck in their attempt at this record.


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