A Live Visit At NDR German Broadcast Show DAS

On Thursday, April 22nd 2010 from 6:45 p.m to 7:30 p.m.  Tanja & Denis Katzer are visiting the NDR (German Broadcast) Show „DAS“.

Host Hinnerk Baumgarten leads through the show and interviews the two adventurers about their expeditions and world travel tours with photos and videos from the couple's vast archive.



The book to The Great Travel Tour you'll find at the Rohloff Internetshop
or on Denis Katzer's website.


Facts to „The Great Travel Tour“ of Tanja & Denis Katzer
Travel period planned: 30 years.
World histories' longest documented expedition travel tour.
On tour since 1991:  19 years.
Until now they have managed approx. 300,000 km on elephants', camels', horses' backs and on bicycle or local travel vehicles.