2nd run of the UCI Trial World Cup "Team Bikes in Motion"

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The Team with 5 athletes took part at the 2nd UCI Trial World Cup in Graz.


This years Steiermark's weather worked out alright, so that the varied sections on the main place in Graz were difficult but manageable. 

The best result gained Ann-Christin with 2nd place in the women's class.

Marc Schröder reached in the quater-final of his 2nd World Cup a nice 14th place and so aproaches the semi-final. He improved in his first international season against his results in Spa for 4 places – Congratulations Marc!

Felix Heller gained a reasonable 12th place in the semi-final, whereas one can see a clear improvement against Spa. He promisses for the following races en even better achievment. Stefan Lange reached the semi-final, but was unable to show what's really in him. Wilko Brandt was injured unnecessarily in the last round of the semi-final.


The next World Cup race takes place 8th + 9th July in Knogge/Heist, Belgium.

Wilko auf den Felsen
Felix – „Jump“