100km Duathlon Dresden Rotor Rohloff Team

With a good second place at the 100km team duathlon, the Rotor-Rohloff-Madmission-Team was unfortunately unable to replicate last year’s success, but with a time of 6:04h, the team was a furtehr 8 minutes faster than the time from the previous year.  The beautiful weather, selection of teams and a really good atmosphere along the race course are what turn this event into a special springtime spectacle. What exactly is a team duathlon? Well:Five athletes have to cover a crazy 100 km course over fields and forest tracks with four bicycles, the fifth man must run but he/she is interchanged repetitively en-route. One cyclist races ahead, the sprinter runs their three to five minutes and then swaps positions with the trailing cyclist.  This looks very much, symbolically speeking, like a Belgian tourniquet.



Further information can be found under: www.100km-duathlon.de


100km Duathlon Dresden

100km Duathlon Dresden