Registration Query

Check whether your SPEEDHUB is registered in our database

Use the quick and easy questionnaire to see if your SPEEDHUB is correctly registered with us. Several details must be submitted to start, ensuring you only obtain access to the details of your own SPEEDHUB.

Start by submitting the serial number of your SPEEDHUB and your country of residence. If these details match our database, then we will ask for the zip-code matching the country/address used when the hub was initially registered. If that also matches the details in our database, then we will finally request your surname.

The program then shows the current status of the hub according to our database: - date of last amendment (service log, change of address, etc.), date of purchase and whether the hub was purchased new, or used.


Bitte geben Sie die Seriennummer (Pflichtfeld) ein und füllen min. ein weiteres Feld aus.
