„Nelly – the movie“ - a true adventure drama from the modern nomads

"Nelly - the movie": a novel visual narrative about the possible adventures these days. A thrilling adventure drama, that shows close ups into wild corners of our world. In our own production we present, the modern nomads, that traveling means so much more, than just crossing country borders and the biggest adventure being life itself.

The modern nomads are a union of new and experienced adventurers. Their core idea is, to come far routes and to expose themselves to the burdens and conditions of the respective region - far from hotels and tourist facilities. Daniel Maachaoui, the initiator of the modern nomads has these values in his blood and has been traveling for years, accompanied by people and animals, on this path around the world. Daniel Hage and Jan Pirco Ulbrich also belong to the team of the modern nomads.

They cycled from east westphalia through east europe and the kazakh steppe to China. They reached the chinese border after 88 days. The legs weren't tired yet, so they found themselves in cape town, to cross the african continent by bike from there.

The usual so sporty adventure passion turned into a dramatic fight over life and death on this journey, which is now watchable as the film “Nelly - der Film” (Nelly - the movie). This film is a novel visual narrative about the possible adventures these days. A thrilling adventure drama, that shows close ups into wild corners of our world. In our own production we present, the modern nomads, that traveling means so much more, than just crossing country borders and the biggest adventure being life itself.

The movie about the adventure journey is watchable in the languages English, German, and Arabian, from sunday, the 28. Februray from 8:15pm, on the YouTube channel of the modern noamds (https://youtube.com/neuzeitnomaden).

Aside from the 50-minute film, there are also scenes and moments, that didn't make it in the film and other small small adventure videos publishes.

More information about the modern nomads: https://www.neuzeitnomaden.de / https://www.instagram.com/neuzeitnomaden